Becoming the market leader for the development and responsible management of medium sized floating energy production, green and hybrid energy solutions globally, implementing creative and value accretive solutions by leveraging our market position, strong execution experience and cost efficient value chain to ultimately create sustainable long-term stakeholder value.

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“We combine a flat organizational structure together with efficient decision making within an overall culture of trust and accountability to achieve the highest degree of operational excellence.”

Hassan Assad Basma

Founder and CEO

Our Core Values

Whether we are discussing ideas for new projects, finding a way to solve our clients’ most complex problems, or building new partnerships, we are commited to incorporating the following core values in all of our conduct and decision making:

01 Brutal Openness

“Tell it the way it is”. We strive to build trust with our partners and clients through integrity and transparency in all what we do.

02 Hands-on Execution

Delegate but don’t abdicate. To be ready to be a player and not a spectator

03 Customer Focus

Truly understand customer needs and goals, then strive to deliver to the highest standards of service distinction in a responsive and passionate manner.

04 Commercial Awarness

Focus and delivering sustainable stakeholder value in timely manner without compromising on our core values.

05 Safety Mindset

We spare no cost or effort to ensure everyone that works with us and for us  returns home safely, everyday and that what we do build does not rob our societies of their right to a sustainable future.

06 Sustainability

Create sustainable business for all our stakeholders by preserving the environment and developing our host communities, ensuring that no one is left behind.