Deep Water Anchor Handling Support

HBA was awarded a long term AHTS Anchor Handling contract by an International Oil Company and provided 2 x 250 BP vessels to support rig mooring in water depth of 1200m for a total of 1050 cumulated charter days.

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DP3 Floatel & heavy lift Services

HBA was awarded a DP3 Floatel Accommodation contract by an IOC for a total duration of 22 months. Under the contract, HBA accommodated over 500 client personnel and provided engineering support for installation and heavy lifting activities for a total of 650 cumulated charter days.

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Subsea IMR Contract

HBA was awarded a long term contract by an International Oil Company, for the provision of a Saturated Diving Support Vessel and associated ROV services, in water depths ranging from 200 to 1200 meters. Under the contract, HBA mobilized the vessel for a total of 460 cumulated charter days.

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Offshore Mooring Installation

In May 2022 HBA was awarded the EPIC Contract for an FSO Early Production facility in West Africa. Under the contract, HBA is responsible for Engineering, Procurement, Installation, and commissioning of the system.

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